Advanced monitoring and life support systems under supervision of capable cardiologist with attending resident doctors. Management of acute myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock, arrhythmias and hypertensive emergencies. Emergency temporary pacing for patients with bradyarrythmias and heart blocks. Facility for Invasive cardiac Monitoring (Including pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, CVP, and Intra – Arterial pressure monitoring) in critically sick patients..
Advanced monitoring and life support systems under supervision of capable cardiologist with attending resident doctors.
- Management of acute myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock, arrhythmias and hypertensive emergencies.
- Emergency temporary pacing for patients with bradyarrythmias and heart blocks.
- Facility for Invasive cardiac Monitoring (Including pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, CVP, and Intra – Arterial pressure monitoring) in critically sick patients.
To give a new lease of life to critically ill patients under supervision of our competent team of doctors and staff.
- Emergency Management of patients with Polytrauma, shock and circulatory failure.
- Intensive Management of poising, drug overdose, comatose patient, patient with stroke or convulsive disorders.
- Intensive Management of Respiratory diseases including. Acute Respiratory failure, status asthmatics etc. requiring Ventilator Therapy.
- Intensive Management of all critically ill patients including ARDS, septicaemia and organ failure.
- Emergency management of surgical anuria.
- Intensive Coronary Care Unit.
- Diagnostic facilities including
- Echo Cardiography and Color-Doppler.
- Transesophageal Echocardiography.
- Stress Echo Cardiography.
- Carotid and Peripheral Doppler.
- Treadmill Testing (TMT)
- Holter Monitoring.
- Permanent Pacemaker Implantation.
- Peripheral Angiography & Angioplasty.
- Intensive Management of Brain attack (Stroke)
- Intensive Management of Status Epileptics and Serial Seizures
- Management of peripheral nerve and muscle disease requiring ventilator support.
- Management of Comatose Patient.
- Management of critically ill patients of
- Acute / Chronic respiratory failure
- Acute Lung Injury ( Ali or ARDS)
- Acute Severe Asthma
- Pulmonary Embolism (PTE)
- Braonchoscopy
- Both Therapeutic and Diagnostic
- Management of
- Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
- Various investigative facilities for patients of diseases of the digestive system including endoscopy, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiographty (PTC) and endoscopy retrograde cholangiopancreatogrpahy (ERCP).
- Non surgical therapeutic intervention for various disorders of digestive system.
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Re-Operative Abdominal Surgery
- Hepato – biliary surgery – cancer gall Bladder, Liver, Bile duct, benign biliary stricture, live trauma and other disorders requiring surgical intervention.
- Pancreatic surgery – acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis and cancer of pancreas.
- Surgery for portal hypertension – shunt and non shunt procedures.
- Colorectal surgery – cancer. Ulcerative colitis, prolapsed rectum and other disorders.
- GI ONCOLOGY – Completed work up of patients of gastrointestinal cancer.
- Surgery for cancer of Oesophagus, Stomach, Pancreas, Liver, Bile-duct, gall bladder, colon, rectum and anal canal.
- Adjuvant chemotherapy for gastrointestinal cancer.
- Intensive Management of head injury.
- Management of Spinal Injury.
- Whole spectrum of Cranial surgery e.g. for Brain Tumors, Hydrocephalous, Brain Abscess.
- Whole Spectrum of Spinal surgery e.g. Disc surgery, Tuberculosis spine, Spine tumors.
- Endoscopic surgery for Brain and Spine.
- Advanced polytrauma care to deal with any kind of accidental emergencies and fractures round the clock.
- State-of-the-Art fracture surgery to maintain high standard of polytrauma management.
- Female Urology
- Impotency
- Infertility
- Paediatric Urology : Endoscopic / Conventional surgery for conditions like Posterior Urethral Valve, Hypospadias, Epispadias, Extrophy, Vesico Ureteric Reflux, Megaureter, Pelvi Ureteric junction obstruction etc.
- Renal Transplant : Arterio – Venous fistual and pre and post transplant surgical care.
- Urolithiasis (Urinary Stones): Entire range of treatment including Lithotripsy, Percutaneouse Nephrolithotomy, Ureteroscopy, Cystolitholapxy and Conventional Surgery including Lumbotomy, extended Pyelolithotomy, Anatrophic Pyelolithotomy.
- Uro Oncology (Cancer of Urinary Tract)
- Urodynamics
- Endourology : Entire range of both upper tract (Kidney / Ureter) and lower tract (Bladder, Prostate Urethera) Endourological procedures for health adults and children
- Emergency Urology
- All emergency management related to facial trauma.
- Management of temporomandibular joints disorders (e.g. Ankylosis)
- Management of salivary glands disorders.
- Management of cysts and tumors of maxillofacial regions.
- Surgical management of protruded or retruded maxilla, mandible and chin.
Breast Speciality: Trained specialists dealing in all sorts of breast problems including mastalgias, mastopathies, breast lumps and breast cancer along with screening for early breast cancers and training for self examinations.
- Routinve Surgery for sinisus, Ear, Nose and Throat.
- Micro ear surgery for myringoplasty, tympanoplasty, stapdectomy, facial nerve decompression and grafting, Endolymphatic sac surgery.
- Microlayryngeal surgery
- Rhinoplasty and Septal Surgery.
- Surgical uvulopalatopharygoplasty for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.
In-House Pathology with facilities for all routine Biochemical and Histopathological Investigations.

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24 Hrs Emergency in Meerut & nearby cities, view & book appointment with doctor of hospitals with 24 Hrs Emergency services in Dhanvantri Hospital.